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Starting a Business in the COVID Era: Why You Should Do it and How to Make it Work

Derek Goodman

You may have assumed that launching a business during the COVID-19 pandemic is especially challenging. And in many ways, you would be right. The conditions brought about by the pandemic have made it quite difficult for existing businesses to keep their doors open and even harder for new ones to get off the ground.

But there’s another side to the equation. Interest rates on small business loans are at historic lows right now, and they will likely remain low for several years. The pool of global talent has expanded exponentially, so it’s easier than ever to find qualified workers to join your team. And then there’s the fact that the pandemic has caused people to restructure their routines and rethink their lives in general, which leaves ample opportunity for new businesses to come out with exciting products and services.

Of course, if you want to start a successful small business, you must be able to handle your startup capital effectively. Otherwise, you can quickly run out of money or get yourself in even worse financial situations. From hiring professionals like Design It Up to choosing a business structure to regulating your spending, here are some quick tips to keep in mind as you plan to become a covidpreneur:

Think about your team.

No matter what kind of business you want to run, you won’t be able to do it alone—at least not for the long term. Start thinking about professionals you can hire that will allow you to focus on the things you’re good at and passionate about. This might mean hiring a web design and marketing company like Design It Up, a virtual assistant, a blog writer, or any number of other professionals.

Select the right business structure.

You will have to get many legal matters in order when forming a business, and choosing your business structure is part of that. From the get-go, consider establishing an LLC to set your business up for tax benefits, limited liability, and other significant advantages. If you want to save time and stress, hire an online service to form your New Jersey LLC.

Be wise about funding.

There’s no shortage of funding options out there for entrepreneurs. From angel investors and venture capitalists to small business loans and crowdfunding, You may find yourself with several opportunities to obtain startup capital. Just be sure to do your research beforehand, and don’t commit to anything that you will have trouble paying back later on.

Put a financial management system in place.

Speaking of startup capital, if you want any chance of success then you will have to manage your finances effectively. Take advantage of the advanced software available to small business owners today, and consider hiring an accountant or bookkeeper to help you keep up with spending and other factors.

Seek to lower overhead expenses.

One of the most essential parts of managing small business finances is to constantly be aware of how you can lower your overhead costs. If you’re spending too much money on comforts and other things you don’t really need, the bills can quickly add up and compromise your company. Regularly monitor and measure your company's performance, and look for opportunities to make cuts in the budget.

While it’s sure to come with challenges, becoming a covidpreneur right now could work in your favor. Just make sure you have a rock-solid business idea, and learn as much as you can about managing finances so that you can get off to a strong start and stay strong. If you maintain a stable financial footing, it can open your business up to all kinds of opportunities.

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