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Writer's pictureFranky Stylez

New Year, New Business (Trends for 2023)

Its 2023 and to new business owners who want to hit the ground running need to hire the right website designer to ensure the most current trends od 2023 are being applied to their business website. Whether you’re thinking about updating your business website or restructuring your business plan, it’s useful to pay attention to the shifting tides. With the right website, marketing plan and SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Below are the current 5 trends for 2023.

  1. Accessibility: A user must ultimately be led to your website through a search engine like Google or Bing. Having the website built the right way by a graphic designer who knows how to set the Headline Tags the proper way with H1, H2, H2 and P1, P2, P3 etc without using duplicate H1 tags or title tags as they call it. When there is a duplicate title tag on a site page it confuses Google to understand what is the main theme in this content.

  2. Images: Pictures and images can help transform a dull website into a visually stunning, engaging website that captivates your audience and keeps their interest. Keeping images the proper size is key to your page speed load times. Its important to decreased bounce rates and increased conversions, optimize images to keep both the search engines and website users happy.

  3. Link Building: Avoid getting neutralized by spam brain and build a solid backlink profile. Posting content on social media or websites like Reddit are great for content and link building, however using services like prewire and Google Journalist's and reports to link it. Google also penalises a website with a backlink profile of spammy backlinks through unethical link building. Bad links aim to increase organic traffic through paid links. Having a pro can help at backlinks and getting them placed on websites that matter.

  4. Page Speeds: Each year that passed the average website speed has been heading in an upward direction, taking load times to a whole new level. When it comes to building sites using photos with smaller file size with keeping a higher resolution will not only decrease the load time of the page, but keep your images visually stunning. Imagine going to a website and it takes forever to load images loading as slow as the old dial up on AOL. Users will get frustrated and leave to a faster loading website which will worsen conversion rates and bounce rates. It is also important to be mindful of the code that you are using to build your website, incorrect code causes errors which will break website load times.

  5. Oprhan pages or Dead Links: Often at times we build websites and create sub pages off the menu that sometimes dont go awywhere. This is known as an orphan page and has no pages linking to it or from it. Google bots cant crawl these pages from other pages and this will provide errors for your website. Dead Links on the other hand do not have any links outgoing or incoming and bots stop after crawling these pages. Ever visit a website or click on an old link from a website and get a 404 error page. These types of errors can hurt your ranking and creating custom redirect links for old indexed pages can help.

As always consult with a web design specialist if you are looking to take your website to another level and get the maximum potential out of your sites performance, ranking and speed. Contact us today at to speak to someone about your business goals.



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